Originally Posted By: James
Originally Posted By: blade
I'm against feeding/baiting during the season. Just my opinion, just what I like, no studies, etc saying its better or worse. I just get more enjoyment out of hunting a deer in as natural environment as possible with no alterations by man. It wouldn't bother me if food plots were not allowed either. Again nothing more than its what I like.
So do u plant food plots? Just because it's legal doesn't mean you have to smile

We do plant food plots because our club wants to and I do sit over them occasionally. You are reading to much into this, its just what I like/dislike hunting wise. Nothing more, nothing less. But it will be hard to have a club that will not feed/bait if its legal and small landowners will have to bait to keep deer on their property. Which in both cases will make it harder to hunt like I enjoy it. It really may boil down to that if baiting is legalized that I will give up deer hunting and just hunt feathers. I'm just not a harvester, I enjoy the hunt more than the kill and shooting one over a bait pile or foodplot isn't as much fun as figuring one out in the woods to me. A buddy of mine killed a nice old buck down in a bottom the other morning, nice but certainly not in the category of the biggest he's killed. As we were trying to get him out, we both noted how much more we enjoyed a kill like that than a bigger one out of a plot. It may be that I'm the minority and hey that's fine, if the majority would rather hunt over bait and its legalized, I will either adapt or like I said, quit.