Well, I can NOT recommend Terry's Meat Processing in Blountsville. After hours drop off, but only 7-4 p/u during the week. Make sure you bring enough ice so it can sit around in your cooler for 3-4 days, until they get around to it, and Lord help you if you have a primo cooler that'll freeze meat, because they'll make sure to tear open the bags and dump ice all over your venison, so it can get nice and freezer burned before processing. If you enjoy picking up your cooler with melt water and blood in it, after being chunked outside in the gravel, to spend two weeks in the sun, then having to clean it out, before putting your meat in it, to carry home, all while being told how awesome they do things and coming away with the impression that it's a privelege to purchase processed meat from them, between 7-4, M-F.