We own 200 acres that is split by a dirt road easement. One half has a large drainage running the length of it with various fingers and smaller drainages running into it. This half also has a large plateau on the north side of the drainage. The other half is mostly a flat plateau except for two large bottoms. The plateaus and some fingers (approximately half of our acreage) were clear cut 20-25 years ago. The clear cuts regenerated in mostly pine and scattered smaller hardwoods. The drainages and bottoms contain mostly large mature hard mast producing trees. After owning it for 20 years we are thinking about cutting the plateaus and maybe a few fingers and replanting in pines to possibly create some revenue in the future. All the land that we are thinking of planting is high ground and should be dry enough to log in the winter. All the land around us is planted in pines and has no hard mast producing trees. So our drainage and bottoms attract a lot of game through out the year. We also have 5 food plots and also plant a power line that cuts through our property. After cutting I plan on adding one or two food plots and roads/fire breaks to completely surround the plateaus so we can burn in the future if we want to.

Does anybody have any suggestions or critiques on my plans?

Are there any programs that would help pay to replant?

Should any thing be done to the bottoms to help increase wildlife value? (possibly going in and select cutting low wildlife value trees)