Little man was doing better for a while, but then his O2 sat dropped back down to 82-85 and stayed so they had to put him back on O2. We are in the process of trying to get him transferred to a children's specialty hospital. We are not very pleased with our doctor. I'm not fond of being talked to like an idiot and I lost confidence when he told us that we could decide whether to go home or not. I thought that was why he went to school for 10 years and got paid the big bucks. I want a Dr that seems like he cares about my boy. I'm pretty disgusted with him right now. I'm also very nervous/scared. My wife is getting close to her breaking point from being away from our two older children. I sincerely appreciate all the post, calls, text, etc. It means so much to me and it gives me a boost each time I read one.