Originally Posted By: WIDGEON
Originally Posted By: SouthBamaSlayer
Not sure why you guys say e-collars don't work. It worked great with my lab. You don't just shock them when they misbehave, you show them the proper way to behave and reward them for it. It's the same thing as typical reward/punishment training, it just comes with a little shock that gets there attention. Dog runs off, shock it and call it back. Dog comes back, it gets a treat. Dog won't stop barking, command it to stop and shock it, dog stops barking, give it a treat. Same concept as house breaking. Dog pees in the house, put its nose in it and discipline it, then take it outside to show it where it's supposed to happen. E-collars work great if you know what you're doing.

I didn't say they don't just stating most using them wrong. I have a Master Level Lab. She is collar condition, I run her with a E collar 90% of the time I can use a tone to correct her and not a stimulation. Sorry Bama your training methods are not very affective. House breaking you don't allow the dog to ever use the bathroom in the house,yes accidents happen, but 90% of the time its the owners fault. Always take a pup out when the wake up,after they eat and drink and I always take them out every 45 mins, Then after a few weeks I up it to a hr, and so on for a few months. Then the pup knows. As its doing its business out side depending I use that word Pee or Poop. Every dog Ive owned and train will go on command. I never rub its nose in it. They don't understand. If they do go inside and I catch them I say NO. They will get the hang of it quickly. Its easier to lock them in a tile room and put down puppy pads.Thats saying its ok to go in the house.I never correct a dog with a ecollar on house breaking.I'e trained 3 Labs myself to Senior to Master levels.Mine are 100% house broken,mine do not chew on things except for Nylabones. Mine are VERY well behaved when company is around. And only bark when something is not right which I allow and want. MY lil dog she is sassy and mouthy and never was able to break her of that,but we love her anyways. Always hold them to the highest standards and NEVER let them slide or get by with something they will abuse it and try to get with other things as well.

I didn't say that's the whole process of how I house break my dogs. It's only part of it. I agree they should be taken out in intervals and that accidents can happen.

Have you ever considered that there are multiple ways to train a dog? And that your way isn't necessarily the only way? Because it doesn't seem like it. I congratulate you on have master level labs, it's an accomplishment, but not everyone wants, needs, or has the opportunity/time to achieve that. My training way worked well for my lab, and it may work for his. Yours will probably work well for his lab as well, but don't tell people their training ways are ineffective when they have a good dog and obviously are effective.

Last edited by SouthBamaSlayer; 12/04/15 08:18 AM.