Originally Posted By: hayman
We don't need anymore regulations because half the folks aren't gonna abide by the rules anyway. We cannot count on game laws to regulate deer numbers we have to take matters into our own hands. Meaning just because you can shoot a doe a day doesn't mean you need to. What happened to just watching deer and being happy with just having the encounter with a bunch of deer and not shooting one because you liked seeing them? And waiting on a racked buck instead of just shooting something. I could have easily already killed 10 deer this season but I have not fired a shot or clicked my safety off. I don't shoot everything I see and dont really like hunting around people who do.my point being we are the ones that have brought the heard where it is today and if you don't like it practice trigger restraint.

Most hunters don't share that passion that we have for the sport or wildlife in general . That's why we need regulations . If that means a couple more guys running Around in green shorts . Then so be it . I don't like regulations either , but this is not the sparsely populated Wild West anymore . Hunting is a republican sport, and it would be sad to see us decimate it in a lot of areas because we are afraid of any type of regulation. That's like not letting the gov. Control those companies making the secret apps that terrorist are using .. Personally I see no problem with that .. Smart regulations and minimal regulations is what's needed . Everything about democrats is not all bad just most things .

Last edited by RonBuck; 12/02/15 04:22 PM.