Where does the "You need to kill X number of does for every 100 acres" come from??? If you're supporting the killing or need of killing does... let me ask you this question: BASED ON WHAT DATA for "YOUR" property?

Stop killing for the sake of killing when you don't know how many or IF you need to reduce your deer pop!

And, stop blaming the QDM or QDMA on excessive killing of does. Deer mgmt states to kill does ONLY if you need to!

Deer carrying cap changes based on timber practices, predation, etc... it's a moving target but make logical decisions based on what's best for your deer herd and not your desires. Get educated on deer weights, milk present in does and if no milk, could it be reasons of predation or too many does or... NOT ENOUGH bucks? Are you killing too many immature bucks? Spend some time attempting to educate yourself about deer mgmt and not what you hear at the coffee shop!

Last edited by Kounse; 12/02/15 03:38 AM.