Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying and there are lots of scenarios that could go I a bunch of different directions. I just don't agree with your opinion, which is also fine.
I'm not worried about the PD being cowardly, they will be there, doing doing the job, but how many good policemen will have to die in order to accomplish the task? How many more lives could be saved if they had access to a armored carrier in a timely manner? Now I don't think they need RPGs or hand grenades, but a armored personnel carrier and Camo?

Originally Posted By: Geno
We can play scenarios all day and always find many that are not pleasant - I'm not interested in doing that.

Okay, I'll play one round.

Only if local pd is to cowardly to go get a deer rifle and take care of the situation if a clear shot presents itself or proceed with dynamic entry if not. If the local pd is not familiar with breaching doors and clearing rooms, maybe you should consider installing a different one.

Jon Bartlett