Originally Posted By: QDMAlan

When I first moved to south Alabama I lived just outside of Loachapoka...which is actually just right outside of Auburn. Back then I use to get out and ride the dirt roads all the time and I'd occasionally stop and talk to folks about hunting land.

One day I'm driving down this dirt road not too far from the house and I see this guy out in his yard piddling around. I pulled in a started hee-hawing with him about hunting and this and that. We walked into his cabin and he started showing me all these deer he had killed over the years...some really nice ones....one giant 8 pt. Anyways, after about 15-20 minutes he asks me "You ever seen Outdoors with TK and Mike?" I say "Yeah man I love those vidoes."......He replies "Well, this is where the first video was filmed."

He could tell I was giving him that look of getting ready to call bullchit when he says "Remember the brown truck? There it still sits. There's the oak tree where we filmed the grunt call scene. That little field down there is where we filmed the black powder hunt....and so on and so on. I was like "Holy chit, it really is where TK and Mike was filmed!"

I thought that was the coolest thing. I had been watching those videos since I was a kid and just to randomly pull up in that driveway and see all that stuff from the original video was neat. The guy that lived there was actually in the video as well. He was the one showing them how to rattle with the big arse set of rattling horns. He still had those just laying in a pile of antlers on his back porch. I think his name was Hal if I remember correctly.

Last edited by CNC; 10/12/15 05:35 AM.

We dont rent pigs