Originally Posted By: Ben2
Originally Posted By: Matt Brock
Look folks. When evidence like that appears in AL then we will confirm one too. They can't go undetected. They're too large. They leave evidence. So far nobody in this state has provided evidence. Just stories. I'm not denying they could possibly be here, and neither would anyone else in our agency. But if there's as many as people claim to have seen we would have a huntable population.

You can take my story to the bank. Perry County, late 90's I watched one walk across about a 200 yard wide hay field. It walked up and stood at a barb wire fence watching cows for about 5 minutes then back across the hay field toward the river where it came from. Never seen it again but it was dang sure a cat like in the story above.

Crap I hope I ain't started the panther sighting thread for the night.
yea and you kept telling us that malzahn would have the boys ready to play and we see how true that was.

Super Predator