Originally Posted By: ElkHunter
We summer planted beans on our hunting club in Wilcox County and the deer and hogs destroyed them well before they ever got out of the ground good. How did you keep the deer and hogs off of them to get the beans to maturity?

We only planted about 1 acre of beans (two 0.5 acre plots) and were worried about the deer clipping them off before they ever had a chance to get started. I used a couple treatments of Milorganite to keep the deer off (1 bag per plot at planting and a 1/2 bag per plot 3 weeks later). They are getting hammered now, but our intent was for them to have the soybean plants to eat rather than keeping them off the whole summer so that we could have pods. That said, they are blooming, but no idea if we'll end up with pods or not. I do expect to have one very small area with pods, it's behind a little fence I rigged up.

We don't have hogs though and doubt the Milorganite would slow them down.

