Originally Posted By: shootnmiss
Originally Posted By: goodman_hunter
as far as corn is concerned, its LEGAL to plant corn, cut it down and hunt over it, place a feeder or a pile that weighs a ton in the woods and hunt 101 yards away and out of sight, and thats legal, so its hard to argue the merits of corn being bad for them, or wrong to shoot them over. Now I prefer a foodplot, cause its better, long term for the deer, doesnt attract as many predators, and in some ways is cheaper and healthier. But I dont own a tractor or 4 wheeler or alot of land or much of anything. So why is it so terrible for me to spice up a spot, that I might want to hunt. Sometimes peo0ple need to remember everyone aint as fortunate as yourselves, and dont have the same options. Sometimes a mans gotta do what he gotta do.

Totally agree!!

Good greif. Now folks are arguing that baiting should be legalized to equalize people's fortunes. I never thought I'd hear that one.