Originally Posted By: centralala
Originally Posted By: FurFlyin
Originally Posted By: centralala
Furflyin and Ben2, the only time I had them not eat it was poor soil ph or soil that stayed wet. Curious what ya'lls soil condition was? I have had a harder time getting them started in sandy soil but usually a year at worse. How does clover grow in these plots??

The soil in my food plots on our farm are pH adjusted and heavily fertilized. I don't spare any expense on them. They get limed every other year and fertilized during the summer and fall. We have good sandy loam soil too.

I planted Diakon radishes with the turnip greens 2 years in a row. They ate the Radish greens down to the ground but never touched the turnip greens. They will also eat Rape here, but absolutely won't touch turnip greens.

Odd!! The only way to know is just ask one and then they usually just look at you strange. grin

Rape is like Austrian Peas for me. Usually doesn't make it mid November.

The deer here don't eat the winter peas either. Yes I'm serious. I can understand not eating turnip greens but the pea thing is perplexing. I don't know if it's a product of our extremely low deer density or what. We have way more food to go around than we have deer to eat it so maybe they only eat what is preferred. I can understand turnip greens not being preferred but not the peas. I have had winter peas bloom and make peas each year than I planted them. I planted 2 acres of winter peas in our hay field a few years ago. I drilled them in and had a great stand of them. Our hay fields are pampered. Deer just walked right through them.

They love cereal grains. I plant my own mix of wheat, Rye and Oats and they love those. Last year was the first year I had planted Buck Forage Oats and they kept them eaten down.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14