Learn a lesson from his mistake, anytime you pay for somebody to take you hunting in a place you're unfamiliar with you better do your homework. The "ignorance" card only gets you so far. And ask questions when something doesn't seem legit. When they tied a dead animal drag to the back of the truck to lure him to a different place to kill him I'd have started asking questions. And he very well could have asked those questions, I'm not saying he didn't. I could have just been the day all his bad luck chips got cashed in at once.

Trying to destroy the gps collar is another dead giveaway that you're screwed.

It'd be nice if there was this much public outrage over ISIS beheading people and Planned Parenthood sorting through aborted fetuses to harvest organs to sell.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! - Patrick Henry