Originally Posted By: SFC3
Buddy of mines cousin does that for a living...a DAMN good living...Said tampon strings have made him what him a fortune

Tampons are our biggest culprit for our residential grinders.

Mop strings, yes Mop Strings, are the biggest clogger for our Lift Station pumps and they foul the floats and mixer motors inside the Treatment Plants tanks and clog the pipes that house the Level transducers in those tanks.

I've seen everything from nerf footballs to women's panties to entire beach towels to 2x4s pulled from the inside of our Lift Station Pumps.
Was at a lift station in San Destin once and they pulled out several dozen of those squeaky letters and blocks. It was also there that the Nerf Football had wedged inside the pump impellers and burnt up a $12000.00 pump. Some little kid is minus the entire squeaky alphabet, some letter blocks and his nerf football! LOl

Hunt'em hard when they are hard to hunt but never, ever hardly hunt!