So I was talking earlier about likely mowing soon. Here is one of the main reasons I want to do that in addition to double cropping the biomass and keeping weed growth fresh. I wonder if any of the “weed” species react in the same manner? This is called tillering.


Subsoil aerator.

"Mowing whenever stalks reach 3 to 4 feet tall increases root mass five to eight times compared with unmowed stalks, and forces the roots to penetrate deeper.

In addition, tops grow back green and vegetative until frost and tillering creates up to six new, thicker stalks per plant. A single mowing on New York muck soils caused roots to burrow 10 to 16 inches deep compared to 6 to 8 inches deep for unmowed plants. The roots of mowed plants fractured subsoil compaction with wormhole-like openings that improved surface drainage. However, four mowings at shorter heights caused plants to behave more like a grass and significantly decreased the mass, depth and diameter of roots."

Last edited by CNC; 06/25/15 04:19 AM.

We dont rent pigs