Don't let these weenies on here scare you. I tore mine late July of 2013. Tore the Subscapularis Tendon and Suprapinatus Tendon in mine. Also fractured the Humeral Tuberosity. Went and saw Dr. Jeffery Davis at St. Vincent. He's been with Dr. Andrews since 1995. I recommend seeing him. He sliced open the front of my shoulder (3 inches) and went in and repaired the Subscapularis Tendon. He repaired the other with a scope. The fracture didn't displace, so no plate was necessary. I start PT immediately. Three sessions a week. The first two or three were rough because all they did was stretch my shoulder. After that, the therapy actually made it feel better. I did this 8 weeks. 10 weeks after my surgery, I killed a doe with my bow!!