Daniel, I would say it'd be like they told you that you could only sale milk for 9 days last year because you are a business, but your neighbor could milk their cows for 70 plus days since he a recreational farmer.

The bottom line is the states going against the feds have caused the issue and I can completely understand why the states would do that.
The other big issue is that a charter boat has always had to follow the stricter season of the states or feds because we hold both license where a private boat owner is allowed to fish both and use it to their advantage.

An example would where a guy owns his boat and runs offshore and catches a mess of vermillion snapper, some grouper, a wahoo and heads back home to stop in state water to catch a quick limit of red snapper.

Another guy is on vacation at the same time and charters a boat, now he can go catch snapper in state waters with a non federal license guide boat for snapper in state waters, but they probably aren't going to have vermillions, grouper, and wahoo. Just snapper.
Or he can go with a charter boat that holds a federal license and goes out and catches a nice mixed bag of fish, but they can't stop and catch snapper in state water.

What gives the boat owner more rights than the renter?

Last edited by captjab; 04/17/15 03:50 AM.