Alabama has one of the lowest property taxes in the nation, and as a land owner I really appreciate it. Constantly I'm hearing people who don't own property say they want to raise them, mainly for education purposes. This could go off on several different directions, but it got me to thinking. People who own vehicles, pay vehicle and gas tax to support highways. People who own property pay taxes (a good chunk of it) to fund things they may not even use. Why should someone without children pay taxes for education and school improvements? I know how that sounds, and I know we need education for future generations. I just find it perplexing that people assume its OK to tax everyone the same that aren't using the same benefits. How about we tax every person who has a child in public school? What about renters that don't pay property tax? Their kids go to school just like a homeowners. Just thought this might be a good discussion, and it's always in my mind that its a matter of time before property taxes go up like other states.
Lots of "folks" will be tickled about it too.

Everything woke turns to shucks