>>>I'm guessing you have never worked in the corporate world? No one cares and will lie when the truth would do better. These people are educated but not intelligent (at the corporate level). As long as the complaints don't get to them and cause them work it didn't happen. And they just continue kissing butt to the next level to try to move up. All of this is done at the customers expense.<<<<

Worked a stint for a paper company, but was just a grunt. I served a 25 year sentence in Al public schools, last 16 as principal of a vocational school. Done a lot of various things on my own to make money, and made a lot more money at them than working for somebody else. Made some money in the forestry business, and it is about as cut-throat as it gets. Served 2 different churches as pastor. But never ran across anyone as totally incompetent as FedEx. Is there anyone here that will admit to working for them? Bet you could tell some tales if you do.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.