Well that makes it more interesting.

Are the barners still beating their chest in an uproar? Are they going to go apologize about bad mouthing their daddy Saban?

Are all of you going to raise as much hell about the girl possibly lying and causing further damage to a young mans aleady tarnished reputation and future career?

We don't know every detail still, but it looks like some of you guys may need to do a 180 and raise hell towards the other direction..?

We've all known crazy women who exaggerate, was this was of those situations?

I'd say that the kid definitely needs to " wake up" & keep on the strait and narrow moving forward in what ever direction he heads.

My guess is that there was a heated argument, it may or may not have got physical. There may have been things thrown or damaged, who knows. The kid appears to be a ticking time bomb that constantly puts himself in bad situations. It may be better off to go on and keep with the parting of ways.

The fool tells me his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own.