So I show up to my normal listening spot, birds are hammering it down in a little white oak bottom by the creek. Long story short, I move on em. Get to within about 150 yards best I can tell and set up. Do a little fly down cackle when the sun starts getting up, and they are killing it. Well, as usual they fly down the other way. frown
So after some time passes I decide to move on em and get in front. I get on the other side of em and can hear the hens coming towards. No calling at this point. Well, I can see em about 100 yards away coming, all of s sudden they go to putting and flying. Bout that time I see two hunters coming up behind me. So apparently they thought I was poaching. Things did not go well, we got into an argument and one of the guys punched me in the nose. With guns around, I was obviously scared as hell by myself.
They just left, but I don't know what to do know. I marked it on my phone map Gps thing and I was off the property, really had no idea. Should I tell warden or somebody about this? I know I was off the property, but a black eye???

Don't know what to do