About 5 this evening I went to Petco in Guntersville to get a bag of TOTW for my dog. As soon as the automatic door slid open I see 2 ugly women, a mom and daughter, and a Pitt Bull at the counter. The mom is slapping the dog in the face and jerking it's leash while telling it to behave. I also noticed that other customers were giving a wide berth to that trio. I went back and got my bag of dog food and made my way back up front to check out and they were still there. A young couple had gotten in line in front of me and immediately behind the Pitt family. The guy had a 50lb bag of food and kept it between himself and the Pitt while staying about 10 feet back. The dog is checking all of us out and 'mom' is still jerking the leash a little. I reached in my pocket and realized that my pistol and knife were in the truck. I spotted a couple of potential weapons for worst case scenario but finally the Pitt family left. The young guy looked at me and nodded. I just acknowledged him and shook my head. After that he never made eye contact with me again. Made me wonder if he didn't also have one at home and disapproved of my observation of the Pitt.

Anyway, I'll never go back in there without my pistol in my pocket.

I firmly believe that a double gallows should be constructed on the East Lawn of The White House. Politicians who willfully and shamelessly violate their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America should be swiftly tried and, upon conviction, publicly hanged at sunup the day after conviction. If multiple convicts are to be hanged they can choose with whom to share the gallows or names shall be drawn from the hangman's hat to be hanged 2 at a time.

NRA Life Member