the agent model isn't broken. how often do you communicate with your accountant, doctor, dentist, lawyer, pastor. banker, financial planner, benefits manager at work, etc.? regularly? when things change? get divorced and you will see them all!! seems only natural to find someone that you can build a rapport with and visit and review with at least once a year. things change. the agent can and will help you but the agent doesn't know whats changed unless you tell him. to me, property, income, retirement and family are the most valuable assets anyone can have. protecting them with advice and input from a person you have a rapport and relationship with would be paramount. FWIW, my cell number is on my business card. does your guy do that? kind of like that fishing commercial, "i know a guy". if not find someone that will give their cell number. who knows, you might already have that person. go see them. and you will both feel better. again, I'll be glad to assist or give y'all the questions to ask "your guy" (or girl) or ideas to save money without compromising coverage. peace of mind is a good thing, especially when you tote guns, climb trees, ride atvs, etc. 45 minutes for a year's worth of peace....and save money? pretty good deal. the agent model is very healthy. insurance is just a bill every month, until you need it. and when that happens, have the cell number of your guy to be there. i can tell ya who i wont be going to see this year.....taxidermist!!