Originally Posted By: GomerPyle
Originally Posted By: Clem
Just because it's lawful doesn't mean I have to kill them.

Which is exactly the way it should be, and used to be.

Voluntary choice. Educate yourself. Decide what's best for your land, possibly in concert with a biologist or on DMAP or however you choose.

The whole "It's my land so I should be able to kill all the deer I want" argument is totally 100% bogus with the exception of high-fenced properties. deer roam. Unless you've got them penned up or you have a massive piece of property (Thousands of acres), "your" deer are most likely "someone else's" deer too. I'm not necessarily arguing for or against additional regulation, because I'm simply not educated enough on the matter to make an educated decision, but THAT argument doesn't hold water.

It's no more bogus that the "I'm not seeing as many deer as I think I should, and it's my neighbors' fault, so everyone must be regulated to meet my satisfaction" argument.

"You think I care? Roll Damn Tide"

Have you tried Google?