Unfortunately, Im sure that's Just one of the minor things in their legalistic views. In Galatians 5 Paul is writing and is pretty clear about falling prey to legalistic views & false teacher and talks pretty intently about it. Of course Christians in those days and Christians in these days deal with different legalism. Sadly, they end with the same result, an arrogant religious self-deception that is doomed to failure.

While going out to my truck a few Sunday's ago before we headed off to church I overheard my neighbor having a conversations and said to her friend, " now make sure you tell him to wear a suit, we have a very formal church." That statement has stuck with me. Very rarely these day will you hear, " Hey at my church, We worship God! We make deciples that make deciples and give all glory to God." It's all about budgets, agendas, looks, attendance and holding to traditional creeds for a lot of churches. It shouldn't matter if you show up to church in jeans, suits, camo or rags for clothes. As long as everyone focuses on the 95% that we have in common in Gods word, the other 5% of our "preferences" won't matter at all.