Originally Posted By: Turkeymaster
depending on the county I mean there are tons of 140 class bucks killed in Montgomery, Bulloch, Lowndes, pike, and Macon, butler county every year that no one ever hears about. I know of 4 or 5 killed just in Montgomery county this year that haven't shown up on here. all I'm saying is there are more than you think, couldn't even begin to give a %

I was talking about strictly where you hunt. Where you know how many bucks were killed how many of those were mature and how many of them scored over 140. I know there are a lot of 140's killed in every county but unless You know how many were killed in that county and how many were mature deer it don't give you any ideal of what % of bucks actually have the potential to reach 140.

If you're gonna be stupid you better be tough.