Maybe this will help a little. This first picture is a topography map. It is not the best, but hopefully it will help with responses.

This area represents the 2 acres I'm talking about. Around the outside, there is a fire break or clearing. It is about 10-12' wide all the way around my fence line. You can see it in the light green color. This mowed grass (bush hogged) actually has a strip that goes right down through the middle of the woods. There is a small island of woods right in the center of that - Marked with the number 2. It is probably 25' in diameter.

You can see that the highest areas are up near the yard (bottom of the map. As it goes further back towards the property line (top of map), it gets lower in elevation. Note the legend on the right for drop.

The three separate patches of woods are the strip to the left, the island, and the big strip to the right. The little strip to the left is not big enough for anything really, so I have concentrated my efforts to the larger right hand strip.

Down at the bottom, there is the arrow pointing towards what is the front yard. That's where the house is and where there are really no woods, so no reason to concentrate on anything back there.

The black lines running vertically with the lower areas around them are like dry creeks. They sometimes have water. From what I gather they are basically just natural ditches where drainage can and has run in the past. Some are quite deep. The one in the middle is close the 3' in some places where the really dark maroon is. It actually runs out of my property under the fence - as depicted.

The area inside the blue circle with the number 3 is the area where I found the scrapes and what I thought were rubs.

The blue square with the number 1 is my stand or sitting location. the dashed blue lines represent my field of view. I can only see about 50-60 yards because the woods are so dense. I cannot see the property line to the left or the back. I can see the right.

This is a picture showing how much of the land around me is woods. It is even bigger than depicted, but you get the idea. None of it is is all woods. You can see the area of my yard and my house is the blue square..not to scale.

Like I said..the deer probably have plenty of habitat in the surrounding woods. I doubt they were on my land for anything other than the feeding I was doing.