Originally Posted By: CNC
Originally Posted By: truedouble

Also, might be worth noting that with WMS you only plant 50 lbs. to the acre, not 100…

Now, if i had a seed store and could buy in bulk…

I’m not sure what the breakdown is of the mix but I’m guessing that the cereal grain portion is around 40 lbs. That rate is on the extreme low end of “normal” stocking rates or stocking density. Yes, I know it’s in a mix but the cereal grain is the main staple that carries any mix throughout the whole hunting season. If you have any significant amount of browsing pressure on your plots then I believe you need to plant at a higher rate no lower than 75-100 lbs on your cereal grains. The reason it tells you on the bag to plant at a very low stocking density is because noone would probably buy it if it was going to cost them $100 per acre in seed alone to plant. Just because they tell you to plant at the bare minimum stocking rate doesn’t mean that its necessarily the rate you need to plant either. Its just the rate that’s best for keeping their product affordable. I don’t want to try and keep up with the browsing pressure of 20-30 deer on a 2 acre plot using the bare minimum stocking density.


“Plant about 100 –120 pounds per acre. Use lower rate for grain production and higher rate for forage. Triticale does not tiller as much as wheat.”

I wouldn't expect you to consider another's opinion, but there are a lot of folks that have had a lot of success planting the WMS seed at 50 # per acre. A lot of us add 25 pounds of oats, but that's still coming in way under 100 to 120… maybe you should try it… we used this mix last year, during the coldest winter we've seen in years and the deer were hitting our fields past January up into Feb…probably never quit using them, but I quit hunting and didn't have any cameras out. Maybe some folks recommedn 100 to 120 to make more money or cause their germination rate is no count...