Originally Posted By: jlccoffee
I like the liberal regulations but I think in the past the idea of shooting does was overdone. It heard it said that you should shoot every doe you can or that you can't shoot too many does by legal means. According to what your goals are, I don't think that is true.

I think education is the key, not regulation. I can see Matt and Nighthunter educating on this site that doe harvest is a site specific issue. I'm not totally against going from 2 does a day to one....from an education standpoint it sends the message that maybe we have overdone the doe harvest at least in some areas.

Education not regulation X2. However, some folks just can't grasp that there are areas that can support a 2 a day limit. So they complain and complain cry and DCNR changes the whole state to one size fits all. crazy

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.