I'm honestly not sure what to do on our place. I've got two young ones that enjoy seeing deer each time they go. I've hunted places where I've sat an entire season and counted less than 10 deer. I've also hunted places where I've seen 100 deer/day. We've been "managing" our place going on 4 years. We average somewhere between 7-9 deer a hunt. Some hunts you might not see any, or maybe just one. If the stars align in late December, it's not unusual to see 25-30 in a sit. We have taken one, six and one doe off the property over the past three years. Our ratio is about 1 to 3.5. We feed year round and although our plots are eaten to the ground already, there is no browse line in the woods. I just enjoy seeing deer, and plenty of them, to go postal on them. I feel like we have a good balance and would rather err on the side of too much trigger restraint than too little. What should I be looking for in order to see if we need to take more does? Body weights are average for the area, although I feel antler sizes are below average, even with year round supplemental feeding. We also have the best fawn recruitment this year that I've seen since we've had the place. Most does are leading twins around.

Originally Posted by CNC
Ya'll are just overthinking it now