Originally Posted By: NortonZ7
Originally Posted By: Skullworks
Police have lost the ability to have a civil discussion with people. Not so long ago the LEO would have simply expanded why they weren't allowed to do something and what the penalty would be if they continued to violate the rule. There wasn't a need to bully someone and use pepper spray. LEOs tend to take things personally. If your ego is that fragile you have no business being one. If they were simply standing too close to a rail then this is an over reaction. The LEOs attitude was evident based on his comments to the students.

Better narrow that down to some, Not all. I know a ton of officers very personally and I don't know any of them that would have handled this situation like that. This guy was an idiot that doesn't need to be doing the job, but please don't throw all of us in the same hat just because of him. I've never mistreated one person on the job.

I wish all were like you. Also , if more god cops would inform and help weed out the bad ones it would go a long way towards cleaning up the professions image. I think the thin blue line issue is one of the biggest enablers for bad cops.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"