Got off work at 3 yesterday evening and headed straight to my hunting club in Adger (Jefferson County). When I got to the sign out board there was already a guy in the spot I really wonted to go. So i settled for plan B. I got settled in the shooting house at 3:55, got out of the shooting house around 4 to cut some limbs that was blocking the road on past the green field. As I was climbing back in the shooting house two does popped out in the road that I just cut the limbs to see and have a clear shot. They milled around in the road until about 4:19. And at 4:25 I seen a good buck come out the same trai the does came out on and was headed right where the does went back in the wood. I knew he was a good deer so I didn't hesitate getting my gun up and getting on him. He finally stopped at 140 yards and gave me a shot! Once the smoked cleared from my T/C muzzle loader I could see he was laying dead right where I shot him!! Would have never thought he was as big as he was when i walked up on him. He is a main frame 10 with a split G2 and kicker off his base. We estimated him at about 200 pounds. He grossed a 148 inches! Iv have had leases in Kentucky and been in some really good clubs in Alabama. Would have never thought i would have killed a deer like this in Adger Alabama 5 minutes from where I grew up.
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