Had a doe and fawn slip behind me at 100 yards at 7:45 this morning. At 10:45 I figured I would switch to trying to call in some of the local coyotes and cats with some distressed fawn bleats. Not 30 seconds after I finished I heard faint bleats and I had a back and forth session til I got eyes on the doe coming straight in, she went behind the stand and I passed a 15yd broadside shot through some thin pine thinking she would take 3 more steps past the tree into my shooting lane but she put her nose to the ground where I walked in and turned straight up my path giving me her back end. I tried calling her back in but she just kept gingerly walking my route in, which I actually came in a different way so that I would have them pick up my scent. Also turns out the pine tree was basically straw and I have no doubt my arrow would have blown through it and her.