When coming home last night and getting gas in Cottondale, a guy pulls up behind me in an older, little rough car and says something to me. I initially thought he was asking directions or something. As I walk up to the car he asks if I could "spare some money because they just cut my leg off". WHAT?? As I walk up to the car I clearly see his right leg is cut off just above the knee and it looks like it was done recently. It was kinda swollen and just looked like it was taken off in the previous month or so. He said he had been off work for several months and his family couldnt help him. The whole situation caught me off-guard and I didnt think to ask why "they" cut his leg off. But I pulled some money out and gave it to him and he seemed very greatful. It was different than any other time I have been asked for money. Surely it was a medical procedure or something. confused

I used to tell the gas station people "in need" that I couldnt help them. I just figured they were looking for drug money or something so I had no problem telling them no. 3.5yrs ago I found myself in a hard spot needing gas in an emergency with no money. My wallet was 20 miles away in my buddies truck where I had forgot it after getting the call from my dad that the nurse had called for all the family to come to the hospital where my mother had been getting treatment for cancer. We knew she was terminal and I knew that day or call was coming and I had only hunted 1 time because I didnt want to be 100 miles away deer hunting when that time came. The only reason I was down there is because my last conversation with her was her fussing at me for not going hunting because of her. So here I am needing gas and turning around was no option. I am now "that guy" thats going to have to ask or beg someone for some gas money. I couldnt believe I had talked myself into going hunting when my mom was dying in the hospital. I go to exit 45 because they had 2 gas stations and I felt I had better odds of landing some help. I pulled up to the shell station and ran inside to the cashier and asked her if she could help me with some gas. I had some checks but since it was out of county check she could not take it. I'm humiliated but pretty much begging for just some gas. About this time a guy taps me on the shoulder and asks if I needed some money. I said, buddy I just need some gas. $20 should do it. He then said are you sure that will be enough. Quickly thinking that I had to make it to St.Vincents, I didnt want to get to downtown and have to stop and beg again. I said man if you could spare $30 that should get me where I need to be. He said no problem. I thanked him and went outside to pump the gas. I was so grateful as it had been fairly easy for me to get what I needed. As I'm pumping gas the guy walks out and asks me what I had going on. In my mind he deserved to know as he had just done me a really big favor. I told him my Mom is dying in the hospital. He showed me sorrow and asked where I lived. Once I told him, he said thats where he lived. Here I am 80 miles from home and it turns out he lived about 3 minutes up the road from me. That made it easy for him to verify my story and for me to pay him back once all the dust settled but he told me not to worry about paying him back. We shook hands and he told me to be careful. Well leading up to this moment, for months, I didnt want to be there when my Mom passed. Call it fear but I just wanted to get a call that she was gone. I loved her so much and just couldnt fathom being there when she took her last breath. After being blessed with a man willing to give me $30 for gas, I felt that was Gods way of telling me I needed to be there when she took that last breath. I set the cruise at 90 and wouldnt answer the phone if anyone called. I didnt want to hear that I had missed her passing. I got to the hospital and walked in the room where the family was circled around her. Everyone looked at me with such sadness. My first glance was look at the machines hooked up to her which I had learned to read (somewhat) to see if she still had a heartbeat. Thankfully she did. I had made it. She took her last breath 30mins later. It almost seemed like she was waiting on me to let go.

I get emotional telling this story and seemed to have hijacked my original post.

Well ever since the day that random guy (Jason) who loaned me some money when he didnt have to, I have not said NO to anyone who asks me for money at a gas station if I had some cash to spare. Even though they may appear to be a little fishy, they may truly need help just as I did January 23, 2011. I'm not telling this story just to say that I am the greatest giver ever as I most definitely am not. But the next time someone asks, put yourself in their shoes. $10 is probably not going to break your bank. I know that there are professional beggars that probably make a fortune off of it. But that is not for me to judge unless I have reason to.

This thread got a lot longer than I originally intended but how do you handle a gas station beggar?

If your decoy doesnt have holes in it, your not letting him get close enough... J.H.

"Life lessons are almost never found where you think they should be, sometimes they're in the middle of a small, muddy creek in the woods with steep banks"... DeadorAlive