I had some excitement when the power came back on. My wife and kids are gone to my inlaws over fall break. I took the dogs out right after the lights came on and the door was open and there was a light on in my detached garage. Not the overhead lights, but a light of some sort. I could clearly see into the shop through the windows. I figured my wife had left the door open before they left yesterday but the light had me concerned a little. I looked down to check on the dogs, looked back up and the lights were off. Somebody had to be in my garage. Before taking the dogs out, I had just set my big Maglite and my 9mm on the kitchen counter. I came inside and grabbed both, lit the door up on the garage with the light and called the Po Po. I sat the Maglite on the table where it would shine on the door to the garage. I watched the door until the cops got here. They went in to clear the building but nobody was inside. The person had to slip out when I came inside to grab the light and gun, or could have got out when I went to meet the cops in front of the house. I won't ever take the dogs out at night without a gun on me again.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14