Originally Posted By: extreme heights hunter
Killbux, did it bother you that he killed 3 racked bucks in one sitting after not pulling his weight during preperation. or did it bother you that he hunted when the wind wasn't right, with a potential of screwing the spot? Not stirring the pot, just asking.

In full honesty, both. And I'm willing to admit that I would've probably killed more than one buck as well if I had been there---two of em were grown' uns! I think the worst part was that I had every chance to go there, but chose to do it right and not booger that spot up, yet if I had known someone else was going there I would have gone myself (just to keep someone else off, even though I knew the risk). That guy had the most awesome hunt, and (in my mind that day) had done nothing to earn it. He didn't even have the "fancy hunting expertise" to know it was the wrong wind. I knew where the other two boys were going, and it never crossed my mind that this 4th guy would even show up, I had never even met him before that morning. I mean, I had literally chomped at the bit all week hoping to open gun season from that spot, and was SO disappointed when it became obvious we would have the wrong wind on Saturday. I wanted to be a titty-baby and just quit the whole season after that! LOL...that was so spoiled and silly!

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.