Several years ago, my brother would invite his BIL to hunt our place. This guy only got to hunt maybe once a year, and he really wanted to put some meat in his freezer. So, being the nice guy that I am, I sent him to my honey hole. Keep in mind, I was the king of this place, most deer, several really good bucks. Anyway, I hear him shoot. After the hunt, I come walking back to our camp, and there is the biggest buck ever taken on our little piece of land! BIG 9 ! He's grinning ear to ear.

Was I jealous of that deer? Damn right I was! Was I jealous that he killed it? Hell no! It did make me sick when we took the deer to the processor and he tells the guy to cut the horns off! The processor looked at him, then looked at me and about couldn't make himself do it! I'm not talking about cutting the base of the skull, I'm talking about each individual antler!