Seeing this made me think of a funny story. Two weeks ago I was down at the pond and had just put the battery into the holder of my Carolina Skiff. Suddenly a swarm of huge red wasp came out from under the bow storage area next to where the battery sit. Well we didn't have any wasp spray so we improvised and emptied a spray bottle of Fantastic and filled it up with gas. Sprayed the wasp and continued with our fishing trip. Put the Fantastic bottle back in the bed of my truck. Went grocery shopping a few days later and the kids are helping carry in groceries and they pick up the Fantastic bottle thinking it had fallen out of one the bags. Ms. Muzzie decides to start cleaning house this past Saturday morning and guess which bottle she picked up first. I walk in and the entire kitchen smelled like a gas station. She said she thought it smelled like gas but her nose was stopped up and really couldn't tell.Not sure what will get the smell of gas out of my house but it still stinks a week later. And of course, it was my fault for being so stupid to put gas in a Fantastic bottle.

"Don't cling to Mistake, just because you spent a lot of time making it."