Originally Posted By: Steve Ditchkoff
I'm sorry everyone doesn't agree with the manner in which this project has been publicized. This topic has been discussed by the parties involved, and suffice it to say that is has been publicized in a lot more venues than just aldeer.com. From a scientific perspective (how it impacts the data) in studies that involves the harvesting of research animals, there are pluses and minuses to publicizing the study prior to and during the project. This influenced much of the way in which it was publicized. But, once again, there are still things taking place (many of which have yet to occur) to make hunters in the areas aware of the study. Here is one example (and there are others):

Al.com article

Hope this helps alleviate some concerns.

I imagine about 90% of hunters get a rules and regs book every year. Wouldn't have made since to publish a article in their about this? I mean they Already waste space with all that Outdoor Alabama stuff in there.

"You do and it will be the biggest mistake you ever made, you Texas brush popper" John Wayne