It only bothers me because it seems to me to be a sign of the excess that's become such a problem in our society. When I was much younger, if you financed a car you couldn't go more than 5 years. And the cost of a car or truck ran about ten percent of middle class people made in a year. Now you can finance a car for 7 years and the price is sometimes as much as half of what an average middle class persons yearly income is.

I only worry about because of the values that I think it's teaching to these youth ...... The same ones that will running things when I'm in my sunset years.

Would I have taken an expensive car when I was that age? You dang right I would. But now in middle age I am so grateful that it wasn't an option.

"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

George Orwell