So I run by there after work to get some gun prices and grab a few boxes of shells. I could tell there was nervousness in the air. Did think that much about it, cause I kinda have that affect on folks. There was o ly one other customer in there and him and one of the salesman sorta over there in front the shotguns. So while I'm checking out the shotguns, I hear the sales guy apologize to the man and say it was my fault ( salesman fault). Few mi utes later they get the guy set up to go to the indoor range with his 25. They ask him something to which he replies. I havent shot a gun since before i was 40 .and it was a 38. He's probably a 60 white guy. While the lady is getting hime setup. The salesman that was originally talking to the guy was in the bosses office. Explaining to her that it was his fault. He walks out and says how cool the boss is. And i hear her yell out to call the glass company. She needs to get that case fixed asap. So i look over to the glass gun counter were they were standing when i came in and see a bullet hole in the top glass of the gun case.

For without victory, there is no survival