Originally Posted By: poorcountrypreacher

I know that some folks say yellow nutsedge and chufa are the same plant, but I wonder about that. I know a timber wolf and a poodle are the same species, but they sure look different to me, and chufas sure look different from what I've always called nutgrass. Could it be that chufa is actually much less tolerant of certain herbicides than its wild brethren? I don't know anything else to explain our different experience.

That's why I keep looking for your posts! grin

I agree, Chufa may be yellow nutsedge but I have seen them killed over and over in planted fields with chemical prescriptions that wouldn't touch it in a lawn. Kinda like loblolly pine. It is one of the worst weeds we have in longleaf plantations and burning them starting in year 2 only kills a portion of them. However if we had payed to plant them, carrying a lighter near them would kill every one. All depends on whether you want them or not shocked

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