The law is simple. If you are on someones land with out permission you are trespassing. The law specifically states that unless you are the guess of the landowner you have to have written permission to hunt ( or in fact to be on the land) on you in the event you are questioned. The question is, "What constitutes being a guest?" If I say go ahead and hunt, does that make you my guest? I suspect the lawmakers meant that to be a guest, the land owner or his agent would have to be present on the property so that LEO could check with him on whether the hunter was there legally or not. The best practice is for the landowner to give a written permit stating the area the hunter could hunt, and any limits on when he could hunt, and the permit be signed dated and have contact information on it. The law still is that it is only lawful to hunt turkeys from a scaffold with a bow. This is easy to check in the Alabama Code.

Let us cross over the river and rest in the shade of the trees
Stonewall Jackson
Hug your loved ones often, Life is short even on its longest days.
I don't see the glass as half full or half empty. I just finish it and order another.