Originally Posted By: westflgator
Originally Posted By: jacannon
I have a friend who has fed year around for years. He takes 3 or 4 mature bucks off 80 acres every year. 10 corn feeders and 3 piles of sweet potatoes. He grows his own bucks so to speak and doesn't shoot them until they are 5 or 6 years old. I sat an watched an 18 inch wide 8 point come and eat corn 50 yards in front of a shooting house last weekend, so it can be done if you choose to hunt this way and you have the right piece of property. I have seen as many as 16 racked bucks come a pile of sweet potatoes in one afternoon. I don't care to kill a deer this way, but it is so much fun to go watch. This is in NW Fla.

He has apparantley figured something out that the rest of the hunters in America have not. Even in some of the best places in the US to hunt and on ranches where they feed year round, I've never heard of anyone killing 3 to 4 mature 5 to 6 year old bucks off of such a small piece of land especially over a bait pile.

It's easily done if the surrounding clubs are only shooting mature bucks. The bucks go to the place with the least amount of pressure (80) acres. My brother-in-law has an 80 acre place like that in Walnut Hill, FL. Every year he manages to kill at least 2 mature deer. The clubs around him all shoot 8-point 15" or better and feed year round.