I have a friend who has fed year around for years. He takes 3 or 4 mature bucks off 80 acres every year. 10 corn feeders and 3 piles of sweet potatoes. He grows his own bucks so to speak and doesn't shoot them until they are 5 or 6 years old. I sat an watched an 18 inch wide 8 point come and eat corn 50 yards in front of a shooting house last weekend, so it can be done if you choose to hunt this way and you have the right piece of property. I have seen as many as 16 racked bucks come a pile of sweet potatoes in one afternoon. I don't care to kill a deer this way, but it is so much fun to go watch. This is in NW Fla.

Grandma said...Always keep a gun close at hand, you just never know when you might run across some varmint that needs killing...