Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by Frankie

that i understand . Supplemental feeding is still hunted around and is done to attract and hold deer .

i dont see how baiting is any different . only difference is one is done year round mostly.

my point is , the reason they give against baiting is bs if supplement feeding is allowed .

I understand your point, but I don't think you are understanding mine. My point is that it's my right as an American to throw out corn on my land, and any infringement of that right is something I hope would be unacceptable to all of us. Nobody "allows" supplemental feeding; it's just one of the basic rights that goes along with private ownership of land and has nothing to do with deer hunting or any sort of hunting.

Hunting over bait is a separate issue, and I really don't care one way or another in regards to hunting deer.

It used to be understood that if you were putting out feed on a tract of land then you couldn't hunt on it. It's the recent "clarification" of the word "area" that has made it hard to understand. I wish that they hadn't done that; it should have been the job of the legislature.

i agree . they need to just make it ,,,, yes or no .!!!!!!!