Again sorry for the delayed response, I do not have internet at home and only get on at church early in the morning after I unlock the campus, on the weekends.

I'll try to answer the questions asked by Bamagun12 first and then anything else I can.
I was asked by a gentleman that had asked me last year to call for him on his first turkey hunt (he's hooked now), if I would be willing to help in this situation. He had gone to high school with the dad of this young man. I knew the family due to the fact that they go to our church, but really didn't know them. So he introduced us and I started talking with the dad about the idea of the hunt and getting logistics arranged. At the time on the planning, he was in a wheelchair from having surgery on his leg from breaking it. About 2 weeks ago, he got his cast off and has been so excited ever since about the fact that he was going to get to walk during the hunt. I really don't feel that I should go into a lot of details about his health, or the family. Other than the dad works, mom stays at home to take care of the boys and transport them to therapy and doctors several times a week. The young man that I took hunting has an older brother who also has spinal bifida. From my understanding, it is a very rare illness, maybe 8-10 cases in Alabama, and this family has 2 of those cases.

I have to say that I received a huge blessing helping this family, just from the fact that they work so hard to provide for the kids, and never complain. The whole family truly understand the precious nature of life.

As for the gun idea, I really don't know where to even start with something like that. I don't do computerized money anything, if someone would like to head that up, I would be more than happy to arrange to get this young man and his family to a shop and let them help set him up. But even if this doesn't work out, I want all of you to hear my heart when I say thank you for everything.

God Bless,

To God Be The Glory!