Originally Posted By: the_spotoctor
I don't know how old you are, or how long you have been in law enforcement. Things have been going on down there since her Daddy was a judge. I am 58 and grew up around all that crap. Let me put it mildly, the justice system in Lowndes County sucks. It is very much a who you are in that area. Very different treatment for different people. I am not going in detail, but my Daddy told me about some stuff her Daddy did , you would not believe, and got away with it. Like the old saying goes , you see enough smoke and there is a fire somewhere. And it has been smoking down there a long time.

Used to be that way in Jackson big time! May still be, folks in power now may just be slicker. wink

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.