Originally Posted By: shooters
Originally Posted By: CKyleC
Originally Posted By: Hogwild

I have even caught people who came in well after dark and got in our shooting houses with binos and euro scopes and were hunting under the moonlight. I simply see suppressors as a huge detriment in this aspect.

I've been reading but haven't jumped in until now. Are you against the use of euro optics as well? If not, why?
Sounds like Hogwild has a poaching problem. I can see his concerns. But buy what you saying, a 3rd generation momocular= Mum-14, cheaper than pvs-14. Could be used to sit in a shooting house ,after dark identifiy a big deer then use the euro scope for the kill shoT. I hope no one thinks because of that senaero , that NV should be made illegal? A poacher will allways be a poacher. A high-end poacher could but a 12k NV scope, a 3000 dollar thermal, and a 1000 suppressor and put them all together and kill lots of deer. Does that make NV and the thermal , to blame like the silencer? Their will always be poachers. Rich poachers and poor poachers.

I agree with that!

My main concern is not that it 'might' happen.....it ALREADY does!

My concern is that the use of a Suppressor will make it MUCH easier to get away with!!!